Why You Need a Better Way?


In today’s fast world of technology change, competitive innovation, and increased complexity, common mainstream project management techniques are no longer sufficient, and in fact, too many projects don’t make it.

Years of research tell us that successful projects are highly strategic and business focused; driven by inspirational leaders, and “one size does not fit all.” All these lead to one conclusion - it’s time for an upgrade.

The new generation of project management will involve upgrading, not just the project manager’s job, but also the entire organization’s support system – from the executive level to the individual team members.

What are the SPL Goals?


As defined by Dr. Shenhar, the first goal of SPL is to transform project managers into leaders of business and innovation who know how to inspire and motivate their teams, and how to adapt their style to the right context.

The second goal of SPL is to help organizations better select the right projects and focus them on business results and benefits, while creating competitive advantage and value, in addition to timely delivery.

In essence, SPL is "pushing" strategy into project execution by involving all team members in creating more value.

How SPL is doing it?


SPL is adding a three new components to the traditional way:
1. The business focus on value and competitiveness
2. The adaptive approcah to innovation and context
3. The inspirational leadership for inspiring and motivating the team.

SPL is also helping you simplify your project by selecting only those tools that are needed for your specific project.

The Powerful Principles of SPL


The SPL Way is driven by four principles – “BILT”


Focus projects on business, value creation, and competitive advantage


Realize the innovation in your project and adapt your style 


Turn managers into leaders who fire up teams with vision and spirit 

Team Power

Unleash the brainpower of teams to keep building more value

The New Tools of SPL


Building on the traditional foundations, SPL implements these principles by using several simple tools to create a new culture focused on winning in the marketplace.

Project Strategy - for Business Focus

Creates the big picture and guidelines on how the project is going to maximize value and win the business game

The Innovation Diamond - for Adapting a Project to Context

Identifies the specific degrees of innovation, complexity, and other elements, which distinguish the project and select the best approach to manage it.
View Reinventing Project Management Book

Project Spirit - for Inspirational Leadership

Defines the emotional vision for the project, as well as other inspiring elements to build the team’s energy, create commitment, and have fun

Strategic Focus – for Relentless Pursuit of Value Creation

Identifies the skills and roles needed to focus all team members’ energy on endless search for more value and higher competitive advantage 

What would SPL do to your career

  • Move your project management skills to the next level
  • Learn to focus on the business aspects of your work
  • Understand the nature of innovation and learn how to adapt your management style
  • Develop yourself as an inspirational leader, not just a good manager
  • Boost your career; take on more responsibility; get a higher job

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Learn SPL and apply to your projects

  • Attend the basic SPL Foundations Course, and get certified as Strategic Project Leader® Level 1.
  • Learn to use the fundamental SPL tools such as, SPL Strategy, Project Profile, the Innovation Diamond, Project Spirit, Strategic Focus.
  • Attend one or more additional advanced workshop
    • Mastering the Art of Leadership and Getting Politics Out of the Way
    • Complex Project and Program Management – The SPL Way
  • Get certified as SPL Master, Trainer, or Consultant – Levels 2 and 3.

What companies can expect from SPL

  • Create a business-focused mindset and culture in all your project and innovation efforts
  • Better business results, and winning over competition
  • Better on-time and cost delivery

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Implement SPL in your company

  • Assessing your current PM processes and maturity
  • Identify gaps and set improvement goals
  • Implement internal training programs for executives and managers
  • Work with your PMO to create the company’s procedures

The Research - How was SPL developed?


SPL was developed during more than 20 years of research and consulting to major corporations. It enjoyed collaboration with 32 researchers in dozens of studies, which led to over 150 publications and research articles in leading journals, 5 books, and 8 Ph.D. dissertations.

View Research

The SPL Development Policy


During the development of SPL, we were guided by four basic policies: