“One Stop Solution” -
Our clients learn how to focus their projects on Business Results and Efficient Delivery.Our goal is to customize a solution to your problem or dilemma in the quickest way.
We Provide “One Stop Solution” for Your Projects and Innovation Needs
Leading Companies Are Now Learning How to Focus all Their Efforts on Business Results, not Just Efficient Delivery.Our Services – Consulting, Training, Rescue, Research
Our goal is to customize a solution to your problem or dilemma in the quickest way,
using the latest knowledge, based on updated research and experience.
Government and Public Organizations feedbacks:
"Market share growth (which averaged over 50%) has been dramatic, and is the result of a continuing stream of high quality products that hit their market targets. The Market share results give compelling testimony to the contribution that SPL has made."
Trane Company
"Innovation alone is not a home run. To win in the market place, our business units must build on innovation to deliver hi-valued products in significantly less time. Our emphasis is to focus on a technical and a cultural process strategy to effect change throughout the company. SPL has played a significant role in the development and deployment of our efforts."
3M Company
"Virtually all of the students went on to assume large project leadership roles. To this day, all of them continue to leave a fingerprint on the portfolio of technologies and products. All speak highly of the experience and are grateful for the investment in them."
Trane Company
"Because of the long-term analytical strategy enacted during the initial project and the technology integration identified as deliverables in the Strategic Project Leadership Plan, we have been able to leverage the project as an asset and create some remarkable efficiencies and savings for the city. The Strategic Project Leadership plans have shown that a city has been able to transform “government inaction” to “government in action."
Jefferson City
"Thank you for a wonderful experience. My time in the SPL workshop was worth every penny. The ability to use the knowledge and tools you provided will allow me to integrate skills into our engineering and R&D projects. This will be invaluable both to the team and to further my rapport with R&D as a leader!"
Kirsten Emmons
"Strategic Project Leadership is the best program I ever attended in my 20 years career. I am confident enough to adopt it in my professional life. SPL is breaking project steps into meaningful and scientific ways. It showed me how to keep the business results as the prime objective, and at the same time building talent and human values."
R. Jayaprakash
The SPL program created an immediate impact on the Company’s business results. Five years after its launch, the Company has seen a dramatic increase of almost 50% in market share of its major product lines.
Trane retains its number 1 or 2 positions in the market place, and the Company seems well positioned to continue its dominance and success into the future.
The company believes that an investment in people who can imagine the future, invent it, and deliver it, is an amazing thing. As one of the leading executives recently noticed:
“Plant seeds on fertile ground and with a little care and feeding you will enjoy a bountiful crop. The contribution of Strategic Project Leadership was invaluable.”
Jamie Belha, Classified Supervisor The Moline Dispatch
We realized that the traditional project management approach was insufficient to deal with ongoing changes; it also lacks of the role of leadership, which to our opinion, was one of the most critical components of success. We thus made a decision to implement the SPL approach across the entire project portfolio.
The project was completed on time and budget, with the following key achievements:
- Effective, automated quality management solutions
- Reduction of 30 % to 40 % in application maintenance costs
- Smooth, timely migration of legacy data
- Centralized Enterprise Management and continued contracts resulted in additional business value of over € 500.000
Compliance Project
The SPL project transformed a traditional city tax system into a fiscal management value-creation tool that saved the city millions of Dollars annually, while still maintaining and improving services. The project served as a pilot to extend the same methodology to the next assessment stage and later on to all other city services. The city became the most effective city in New Jersey based on quality of services, citizen satisfaction surveys, relative property values, balanced budget management, and equitable tax reduction rates.
Jefferson City
"This program made me feel that I am part of the vanguard of change in the PM world. Now I cannot wait for it to happen. The course content is sound and the principles relevant and well researched. I will strongly recommend the course to others and immediately apply it in my organization."
Dr. Lenox Fingal, CEO
"I attended hundreds of workshops. Everyone focuses on tools, but project management is not about the software tool. This is the first one that aligns projects on the most important aspects. The ability to develop a strategy and build a spirit to deal with the people, are key to project success.."
Tom Samson